Locks can’t protect you. Doors won’t keep it out. A killer may be sneaking into your home without you even knowing it.
It’s radon. And it silently kills about 21,000 Americans every year.
January is National Radon Action Month, we want to encourage you to protect yourself and your family from danger by getting your house tested for elevated radon.
Radon is an invisible and odorless gas that enters homes and building through cracks in a basement or foundation. According to the American Lung Association, radon forms when uranium breaks down to radium and then to form radon. As radon decays, it releases radioactive byproducts that can cause cancer with prolonged exposure.
Radon is the No. 1 cause of lung cancer among non-smokers, according to the Environmental Protection Agency and is the second leading cause of lung cancer overall. Overexposure to the gas mixed with smoking causes a much higher risk of lung cancer, but radon also kills about 2,900 people each year who have never smoked.
Wisconsin Radon Map – Source: https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/
Only one in ten Wisconsin homes has a problem with radon, but the only way to know if it affects your home is to test for it. Radon could affect you and none of your neighbors or all of your neighbors and not you — you have to test!
Zander Solutions offers professional radon testing and radon mitigation systems for residential homes and commercial buildings. Our computerized electronic real-time radon monitoring system records a 48-hour sample period followed by a report with recommendations depending on radon levels. If levels indicate that radon is present at a concerning concentration, our team of technicians can install a mitigation system to draw radon out of your home safely.
About Zander Solutions
Founded over 40 years ago, Zander Solutions, Inc. provides waterproofing solutions, foundation improvement, radon mitigation, and insulation and energy services throughout the Upper Midwest. For radon testing or installation services, please contact us through our website form or call us directly at 833.928.1429